POPE FRANCIS at Independence Hall on the Topic of Globalization. Protect and Defend the Rights of the Individual

POPE FRANCIS at Independence Hall

"We live in a time subject to the Globalization of the Technocratic Paradigm, Which consciously aims at a One Dimensional Uniformity and seeks to Eliminate all differences and Traditions in a superficial quest for Unity.  .. "Religions thus have the right and the duty to make clear that it is possible to build a society where a healthy pluralism which truly respects differences and values them as such is a precious ally in the commitment to defending human dignity and a path to peace in our troubled world. In our world so harmed by war. "


Pope Francis said about Globalization summarized that in theory it's a good thing, as long as it preserves the individual people and culture and our differences and is not done in a way to attempt to make us all conform to the same. I think that's a good then and I agree.

Diversity and Individual Rights, Equal Rights must be retained as we move toward being one world, as the Internet is drawing us to be and the environment ( Mother Earth, Goddess Gaia) is calling for the attention of the ENTIRE world as one.

I Agree with Pope Francis on this Topic

Reverend Crystal Cox, Pagan Pastor, Shaman Priestess of Mother Goddess Church


Goddess Bless YOU

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