As per the experience of the Mandela Effect, an ACTUAL physical change in my physical reality that happened to me in a very notable way in May of 2016, at this point, for me personally, it is about daily focus on the reality, the timeline that I want to live in.

It is about waking up in a world where things may not yet be ideal as far as the timeline I really want to be living in, however, keeping my own thoughts, energy, and focus on the things I do want.  Pondering, visualizing the way I want things to be. Staying out of the energy of old programs, moving through old reactions and patterns with new ones, even if only a slight each time.

It is about being the best me I can be everyday with each energy, program, circumstance, personal attack, that comes into my awareness.  It is about refocusing when I lose my focus because old reactions come up to new circumstances, challenges or events. I find myself reacting inside, however, I process the energy as to not react outside. Then I continue to work on transmuting the initial feeling, what is the root cause and working toward clearing it all.

I do this all day everyday. A feeling comes up that does not feel good, feel right. Therefore I know it is not True for me. So I then look at the root cause and trying different methods to reprogram myself to not be triggered. Such as imagining what a triggerless me would feel like in that moment, or meditation where I focus only on a beat, or other methods of frequency and eye movement changes to try and uproot the original wound let’s call it or simply expose the hiding place of the program within my own existence.

Reminding  myself daily that I can move energy better, clearer, more joyfully.  And that I don’t have to react, buy into what other people are feeling or seeing or have as their life mission. To not react to those who don’t get me or validate me. But instead to validate myself and to transmute the energy to that, just energy and not a program that triggers an old response of earlier versions of Me, be it in this life or my  or my entire ancestral line in any reality.

With this I believe I am clearing out old programs for good, and collapsing lower vibrational realities I once lived or experienced, clearing, lower frequency timelines of which I nor my ancestral line will have to visit again.

It is about recognizing my old patterns, which are programs of ego from lifetimes, and removing those programs, simply by stating I remove that program. It comes up, I see it I remove it, over and over until it does not come up, does not trigger a feeling or lower vibrational response.

I believe this daily work is monumentally important and that it is say my Graduate class, or Doctorate class in the school of Earth. I have done the work, lived the lifetimes. I have seen that we literally shift realities, actual physical reality, WOW. And so now the work to bring all that together is the work within my daily thoughts, my triggers, my reactions to things outside of my control and my willingness to participate in or abandon Patterns and Programs of which are not what I want and not part of the higher frequency Reality I really want to live.

Yes I do believe there is a need out there for Facebook pages, blogs and such to assist people in validating that the Mandela Effect is real. This is a valuable tool, as is learning to walk, to talk. It is also valuable to assist you to not feel it is a mental illness as many around you may claim.  However, once you have validated it to yourself and once you yourself fully, truly, without a doubt believe that you have experienced a reality shift, an actual physical, then it is time to do the clean up work to level up debri in your realities in lower timeline frequencies, to remove programs, to create worlds by focusing on what you do want

If you continue focusing on is it real, prove its real, needing others to see it as real or believe it as real then you are denying yourself the beautiful, amazing Gift of actually experiencing this awakening and all it truly has to offer you by focusing on YOU and not on proving it over and over or trying to convince others. They will KNOW when it’s right for them, PERIOD. That work is done, now it’s about the individual you with you, me with me.

I have no further need to convince myself that “it” is happening. As to go daily down that rabbit hole, I change my focus to proving something that I already know is True for me. It is not my job to convince others. The internet has ALL the information they need to validate it has happened for them personally. And if it has not then why spend my time convincing them of my Truth, of which may be no where near their truth? There is Simply No Need for that.

What I spend my thoughts, my time, my energy on every day, LITERALLY creates worlds. I know that now. So I don’t want to focus on all the things that have changed, as they are constantly changing. I want to focus on being the absolute purest, happiest, most abundant, joyous, loving, fun, wealthy, healthy, high vibration, high frequency me that I can possibly imagine, and therefore at some point obtain.  I want to focus on the world I want to create and not get jumbled in proving each new reality shift.

YES it is real, it is WOW amazing, magic and supernatural. It is REAL. You know that, you have seen and felt it so let’s stay focused on Joy, on what we want. And not get trapped in energetic struggles trying to convince others every day or follow every new change in each timeline shift.

I believe that I, as with many others, are clearing old timeline programs, old programs and identities as we collapse multiple timelines and versions of ourself into a higher vibrating version of ourselves.

Our Joy is our guide.

We literally feel bad in our body when something is not right and we literally feel good when something is right for us. That is not to say this signifies as to something being right to or for anyone else.

For me I am sitting in the eye of the Mandela storm per say. I know it is happening, some people are very upset, others curious, others disbelieve. I know it’s a huge stretch for people who have not had the experience to believe in it’s existence. They literally cannot stretch their imagination to it being real. And that is fine, they will when they are ready.  For me it’s surreal, it feels space and dreamy at times as I float in and out of their realities and they really believe it is real, and well it is for them. However, I don’t get stuck there, I observe, check my own triggers and programs, work on clearing those and keep moving through.

Many people are angry and looking to argue or prove to anyone who will join them. I don’t engage with those folks, as that is not the reality I want to experience. I block them, move out of their energy, don’t hang around them. And stay focused on the things I do want in my next timeline.  Their fear does not have to be owned by me, proven or justified by me in any way. Their fears are theirs and are programs they choose to still participate in. I do not.

At times it WOWS me, as I look directly at the physical changes, or come across a movie that did not exist, or things about my own body, or the sky or destinations. However, I don’t get caught in it, let fear rise or even question why now. I know why. I created all this somehow. Some version of my created this. And I trust and love me, and want to be the absolute best version of me, so I keep moving, keeping improving, keep letting old programs and patterns go and don’t engage with the naysayers, as I don’t want THEM creating MY REALITY.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox, Timeline Shift Ramblings

Reverend Crystal Cox can assist you with
what you are going through with the Mandela Effect.
offers spiritual counseling services, intuitive readings
and is an expert in timeline shifts and what it means to you personally
and can guide you through what is happening to you.
Please eMail her at
for spiritual counseling, readings, Mandela Effect Readings and Advice
and / or healing sessions.
"Emotional Manipulation

As the chaos generated from the planetary ascension accelerates, many people are being influenced by negative forces that they do not comprehend.

Some of these negative forces are sourcing from peoples own Unconscious Mind and Negative Ego which has reinforced a lifetime of negative habits and behaviors.

When people feel unsafe and insecure in themselves they will easily resort to controlling and manipulating behaviors. It is helpful to educate oneself about this behavior in order to protect oneself and create the necessary healthy boundaries.

Controlling people will always assume that their needs, desires, wants and purposes are always more important than whatever yours may be.

Whatever you may be doing or responsibilities you may have, they assert that you need to focus on them and their issues, regardless of the cost it may incur.
Even though the more sly controlling people may not say that directly, the use of emotional manipulation will tell you that is exactly what they are trying to accomplish.

Through emotional manipulation a controlling person will prey upon other people’s empathy and compassion. This is a type of emotional vampire.

Controlling behavior runs the gamut in wounded personalities of people that have low self-esteem, fear based thoughts and when these fears are left unchecked, this need to control others may progress into narcissistic and Psychopathic behaviors. One important point to understand about controlling behavior is that it will always lead to some form of psychological or emotional manipulation which promotes deception and lying.

The need to assert Control over others leads to levels of perpetuating forms of Manipulation. The Manipulation of others leads to varying degrees of Deception and Lying."

"The False Parent is the main Victimizer Archetype that is used to create pain and trauma in the child, when that child is totally dependent upon that adult person. When abuse is suffered in childhood, destructive Attachments and negative bonds are formed within that child that carry into adulthood, if they are not cleared.

To free the body, mind, emotions and spirit from the bondage of trauma induced by parents or others when we were children, we must take responsibility to learn how to love ourselves and unconditionally forgive what has happened to us.

This action dissolves the Causality and the consequential effects, as well as later entanglements that this pain has created throughout the child’s timeline, all the way into adulthood. Unhealed childhood trauma and pain is commonly carried over into our adult intimate relationships, infecting them with pain and leading into unhealthy and destructive relationships.

When we are able to unconditionally forgive the situation and love ourselves, we learn that what happened to us as a child, had nothing to do with our real self. We shift our thinking to reflecting upon what lessons we have learned, and what strengths we can take away from that experience.

We must shift our concept of the Parent that exists on the external, to become the Parent that exists in the internal self, and know that we are the true spiritual parent for ourselves. Our self-worth is not relative to how our biological family or adopted parents treated us as children.
When we change the way we perceive our negative experiences, we are able to own our own emotional conflicts without blame, guilt or projection upon another person, by needing to make it their fault.

The set up on earth is to disempower people into always thinking that their misery is someone else’s fault, so that they are always in a state of blaming something else outside of themselves. This creates powerlessness and cycles of victimization that trap the person into compliance with the enslavement programs.

Do not assume that you know anything about that person that can be judged for what you cannot see or really know, as you have not walked in their shoes. Many people on this earth live with a broken heart, experiencing a large amount of Isolation, misery and fear throughout their life. Chances are you had a parent or other people that acted these feelings out on you."

Source and More
PRETENDING TO WANT TO HELP:  This is a big issue in any group, community or organizational setting. Certainly this is a painful issue we have dealt with here in the ES community.

Manipulators and control freaks actually like to pretend to be helpful even though that is not really their real motivation. What they really want is a sense of control over something or access to someone. It may be that there is some power trip, status or personal goal that is believed can be achieved by pretending to be helpful to someone else.

Many times these people create a lot of destruction and extra work in the guise of” being helpful”. Then when the person/organization who is supposed to be receiving the help is getting a bunch of extra problems, the person uses guilt trips to say how unappreciated and undervalued they really are.

Open communication and assessment of qualifications and emotional maturity are a must in any organization which concerns a group."

Source and More

LIVE: Cynthia Sue Larson - Mandela Effect Roundtable 3-16-17

The Mandela (Quantum) Effect: Our Sky. Nanobots, Lithium, 13th Zodiac Sign, Orion Belt.

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Moving into another Reality / Dimension

Quantum Effect: Mandela Effect, Quantum Effect Online Spiritual Counseling by Reverend Crystal Cox

I am and EXPERT in the Mandela Effect, which I call Timeline Shift. It is also called many other names as you see in the keywords below.  I am also a Psychic and a Spiritual Counselor / Advisor. If you would like advice on the "Mandela Effect" as it pertains to YOU personal or if you want to understand more of what is happening as you notice CLEAR timeline changes and people around you do not believe you or understand what is happening to you; I provide Readings, Spiritual Counseling regarding what most call the Mandela Effect. I do this full time, for a living, and I do charge for this service, though I give free advice daily, I no longer have time for Free Psychic readings and Mandela Advising as I have made this my full time focus, along with my New Earth Ministry (Universal Church of Light). I have dedicated my life, long ago, to raising the consciousness of Mother Earth and her people, animals, water, plants and ALL.

I am not saying I know everything about the Mandela Effect, nor can I explain every detail you may seek. However, I am an Expert on the topic and have personally experienced it. What is called the Mandela Effect, turned my life in an instant. First it was interesting, WOW. Then it was OMG, then I was angry, then I dug deeper into what it all meant to me personally, mass consciousness and the Universe as a Whole.

I am not from the Timeline I am in. I am not afraid, however, NOTHING an be the same for me. Once you know that this can happen and has happened, how can life ever be the same. And if you have no one in your life who believes you, well it's as if you jumped into a body that was in a life you don't know or get and well the body looks like you and they think you should know. It is VERY challenging for many. I find it helps to understand the process.

My readings and ongoing spiritual counseling and advice is focused on you personally, your life, your experiences and helping you to have the tools and understanding to move forward and not, as they say, "Freak Out". To assist you to stay grounded as we move through this process and to comfort and counsel you as those around you have no idea what you are going through and in fact may push you to getting "help" as they call it, or to go on "meds" or worse.

If you would like Mandela Effect, Quantum Effect Online Spiritual Counseling please pay via Our
PayPal account by sending money to the email, once we get your payment we will email you for an appointment, oftentimes the appointment can be in that same day if you need or want.

We charge $25 Introductory, for our first reading online, after this our rates vary. We will discuss this with you after your first session, if you want to go further.

KEYWORDS, Other Names for What Many / Most call the Mandela Effect

Quantum Shift, Paradigm Shift, Timeline Shift, Changing Timelines, Paradigm Shift, Reality Shift, Time Travel, Time Jumping, Quantum Jumping, Quantum Effect, Mandela Effect, Parallel Lives, Parallel Universes, Alternate History, Quantum Healing (Psychic Surgery), Earth Transporting, Parallel Realities, Parallel Dimensions, Quantum Leap, 5D Ascension, Timeline Merge, Timeline Collapsing.

Mandela Effect, Quantum Effect Online Spiritual Counseling by Reverend Crystal Cox


"by Valerie Love

I am a Christian Witch.

Now before you get your panties in a bunch, hear me out.

Christians who hate the idea of a Christian Witch say, in deep ignorance and fear, that Witches worship the devil, and that witchcraft is inherently diametrically opposed to Christianity.

I’ll address this in a moment…

Witches who hate the idea purport you can’t be a witch and simultaneously in league with our torturers and murderers from times not so long ago, and by no means forgotten.

I say there’s a different take on it that maybe neither side is considering… after all, a spiritual tradition is fluid, not rigid.

My mother was a witch, who’s now on the other side of the veil. When she was here, she walked the planet as a devoted Jehovah’s Witness for almost 50 years (talk about faithful, I can’t think of anything I’ve stuck with for that long…)

Of course, we didn’t know mom was a witch when she was in form here in the third dimension. But time has clearly revealed her witchy ways…

She could make anything out of anything, and I do mean anything out of anything.

When she wanted a pair of boots to match her outfit, and couldn’t find exactly what she was looking for in any store, she declared she was going to make a pair. All four of us (her kids) laughed like crazy, until a few hours later when she emerged from her sewing room with a new pair of boots on to match her newly sewn outfit.

She had the last laugh. Again.

Mom did more witchy things than I can shake the proverbial broomstick at, and of course, it never dawned on us, at least consciously, that a fundamentalist Christian would be a witch.

Truth be told, I don’t know if mom ever consciously embraced it herself.

Neverless, she was ever brewing up, sewing up, creating something out of nothing, giving people the evil eye (especially us kids when we were out of order, which doubled as a handy stunning spell) and generally enchanting the men in her life. All while managing to look quite gorgeous.

Not to mention her favorite color was purple.

Mom deciding to redo the entire living room in purple, including finding the infamous purple sofa and loveseat, still stands in the annals of history in our family as one of the biggest WTF?!?!? she ever pulled off.

Ah yes, mom was very witchy and very wonderful. She literally oozed magick; her witch’s shimmer was visceral.

And she was a devout Christian.

So while her demeanor, bearing, habits, behaviors and uncanny ways of knowing things that no one knew all bespoke witch, her words and dedication to the Witness religion was apparent.

She had chosen sides. The Christian won in public. But the Witch won under the surface.

Now on to my grandmother, another witchy wonder who spelled the entire family with her version of a desert she mysteriously called ‘yum-yum’ (which no one could make quite like her and none of us had more than a vague idea of what she was putting in it).

We only knew it had an unhuman grip on us. Whenever grandma was making ‘yum-yum’ an irresistible urge came over us all to bolt for the kitchen and drool before the oven door.

She would sit in the kitchen grinning like a Cheshire cat, like she had a big fat secret, always with that one witchy eyebrow up.

As for enchanting the men in her world, well that was par for the freakin’ course.

Mom and grandma had the 10 traits of witches down pat, and they weren’t even trying.

Meanwhile, my grandmother on my father’s side had a garden in the backyard from which she made green concoctions whenever any of us turned up ill.

What she was boiling up in that big kettle on the stove was anybody’s guess.

The stuff worked like a charm (because it was).

Trust me, I never saw it coming.

While the women in my life were doing hands down witchy stuff on the regular, they were steadfastly proclaiming their allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Go figure.

These witches found the most clever disguise: Christianity.

Who would accuse one, or even suspect one, of being a witch if you’re the biggest Christian going?

All this caused me to come to the realization I shared recently on my YouTube channel: you don’t have to throw Jesus away just because you remember you ain’t a muggle.

Jesus, or as I prefer to refer to him, Yeshua was, in my humble estimation and opinion (not that anybody’s asking for it, but what the hay) one of the most magnificent, elegant, masterful witches who ever walked the planet.

Yep, he was a Bad Witch!

That’s why I love him. I may have learned more about the magickal arts and sciences from studying his always cryptic messages (not as the Bible is taught to Christians, but as a metaphysical tome of allegory, myth, legend and prose that I get to deeply dissect within the cavern of my own soul).

My particular faves are the Gnostic Gospels, the Bible with Apocrypha and all the Kabbalistic writings I can put my paws on.

I find the legends of Enoch, Moses, Ezekiel, Daniel and others in the Bible to be among the greatest magickal feats I could study and aspire to.

I could say more here about the long line of witches I am from going back to the slave trade, and the diaspora that I am progeny of.

Indeed, my personal brand of witchcraft is an integration of elements from Yoruba, HooDoo Rootwork, traditional witchcraft, Kabbalah and all the traditions of the world that have touched my spirit in my global travels and deserve a place in my practice.

Every witch must walk her/his own path.

I am heir to a rich legacy of Christians and Witches, and I am unwilling to relinquish either.

Indeed what makes my magick powerful for me is, in a word, integration of all that I AM, including all I’ve received from the ancestors.

So there you have it, a Christian Witch, descended from many witches who sat inside churches, or Kingdom Halls, or at the ‘rock’ in the middle of the night on the plantation, or other places and spaces of worship, content to be their witchy selves, and probably who cast spells on the way to their holy houses, while completely at peace with Christ, the Bible and their interpretation of the whole affair.

Yes. I’m a Christian Witch. Like my mama, and her mama before her.

About the Author:

Rev. Valerie Love is a practicing Christian Witch who’s on a soul mission to dispel fear and ignorance around the integration of the Craft and Christ. She has a collection of witch hats named after witches she loves (here seen wearing Hermione Granger). Her YouTube is devoted to magick, money & metaphysics and she serves a tribe of thousands of Christian Witches on Facebook. Visit the website at  "

Nibiru is the SUN of Righteousness. 

Nibiru / Planet X is not going to Impact Earth nor cause destruction. Science, Physics here on Earth don't know so SO much, they will be learning lot's more as we move along.

Nibiru will merge with Earth.

Earth is Sophia, the Mother Goddess, Feminine Divine. Nibiru is the Christ Consciousness, Father, Masculine Divine.  The Consciousness will Merge. It is shown to me that yes we will hit, be affected by the energy field, quantum field and planet of what Earthlings Call Nibiru or Planet X, however, we will then merge, there will be LOVE, Cleansing, Healing, Wholeness and Not Destruction.
The Dark Cabal, our controllers, our enslavers, will be moved to "Elsewhere" and Heaven as in our stories, Peace and True Freedom as in the longing of our Hearts, will be our Reality. Time, Money, Power, War, Greed, Taxes, Big Pharma, Military, Corruption, will NO longer be in our Reality.
Nibiru / Planet X is the Christ Consciousness, wings and all Changing the resonance, the consciousness of Mother Earth and all her people, plants and animals. Awakening all Purging truth.

Earth is Sophia, the 8th Sister of the Pleiades. Nibiru is Jesus, Archangel Michael, the Christ Consciousness Returning. We are awakening, the Truth is being shown, the Darkness is being Purges. Love WON. Light WON. We are Ascending Now, on Mother Earth, all of Us.

Pastor Crystal L. Cox ~ With 100% faith there is no fear by Reverend Crystal Cox of Bringing Back Goddess Church


You are Loved